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Planning Process

5_Planning Process

Carrying forward the planning efforts from 2007 and 2012, the 2017 Coastal Master Plan builds on the past and establishes clear priorities for the future through an integrated and comprehensive approach. As with previous planning efforts, the 2017 Coastal Master Plan uses world-class science and engineering expertise and extensive engagement and input from citizens and stakeholders to develop recommendations for the projects that can best protect and restore our coast.

The 2017 Coastal Master Plan makes advances by:

By determining how best to use our limited funds, river water, and sediment, we will build on the foundation established by previous plans and continue to identify investments that will pay off, not just for us but for our children and grandchildren. Explore the master plan webpages to learn more about the planning process including: developing protection and restoration projects, analyzing projects using predictive models, selecting projects using the Planning Tool, and how we worked with communities and coastal stakeholders.