NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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Get Involved!

12_Get Involved

As part of the development of the 2017 Coastal Master Plan, CPRA held meetings with over 2,000 people at community meetings and public hearings. An additional 11,000 people saw us on Facebook Live and the Master Plan Data Viewer has received over 5,300 page views (as of April 2017).

Community Meetings

Want to learn more about the 2017 Coastal Master Plan? We’ll come to you! The CPRA team is prepared to present at your next community meeting and answer any questions that individuals in your area might have about the master plan and how it will affect the place you call home.

Simply email us at with the subject line: “Community Meeting Presentation” to schedule a presentation.

Attend Ongoing Meetings

CPRA hosts a number of public meetings to receive input from residents. Check CPRA’s Calendar for upcoming events.  Past meetings, including agendas and presentation slides when available, are also located in the Calendar Archive by date.

Social Media

Like us on Facebook at @LouisianaCPRA

Follow us on Instagram @Louisianacpra

Tweet with us on Twitter @LouisianaCPRA

Connect with us on LinkedIn @LouisianaCPRA

Please note that CPRA Board meetings and other events are broadcast on Facebook Live.

To get the latest news from CPRA, sign up for emails using the orange “Subscribe” button at top of the page!