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Caernarvon and Davis Pond Diversions – Weekly Operations Status Update

This page includes weekly updates regarding the operations of the Caernarvon and Davis Pond diversions.

Coastal Information Management System (CIMS)

The CPRA Coastal Information Management System (CIMS) is the central access point for additional information on the CPRA’s protection and restoration projects and ongoing initiatives. CIMS includes a series of interactive GIS-based maps, a tabular database with a variety of project and monitoring data available for download, and a document library containing project reports and associated information. The information on this website  is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered authoritative for any other uses. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority does not warrant or guarantee its accuracy, nor does the CPRA assume any responsibility or liability for any reliance thereon.

Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS)

CRMS is a multiple reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling. This approach includes a suite of sites that encompass the range of ecological conditions for each stratum, with projects placed on a continuum of conditions found for that stratum.

Custodian of Public Records

Public records requests may be directed via email to

Diversion Resources

This page contains brief descriptions and links to various documents related to diversion research in Louisiana.

Document Search

Click on this link to perform a content management search for documents and data pertaining to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA).

Economic Evaluation of Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana

The two-year study conducted by the LSU Economics and Policy Research Group and the RAND Corporation quantified economic impacts of ongoing and future land loss in Louisiana, demonstrating a need and justification for Coastal Master Plan project expenditures that can save billions during future storm events.

Engineering and Design Standards

This section is intended to provide technical guidance and sound engineering principles for the design and construction of flood protection systems and restoration projects within the Louisiana Coastal Zone, and is not intended to replace the professional engineering judgment of the design engineer. The CPRA will continue to improve and update design guidelines through further development and refinement.

Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Natural Disasters

Are you prepared for the risk of a hurricane? The Gulf of Mexico Alliance has prepared this free, downloadable handbook to help you reduce your risk.

Master Plan Data Viewer

The Master Plan Data Viewer, which is an interactive companion to the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, includes information on land change, vegetation type, flood depth, damage, and projects that helps viewers visualize what change might look like over time in their communities and across the coast.

Monitoring Data

Hydrographic, accretion, herbaceous marsh vegetation, soil properties, and surface elevation data collected by the CPRA are now available on-line. All downloaded files will be in zipped, comma-delimited format with headers that describe the data. For a detailed explanation of all data types, please review the Data Descriptions document.


This page includes a link to the Letter of No Objection (LNO) Submission Requirements to the CPRA.

Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authorities

As a result of the 2013 Regular Session of the Legislature, R.S. 38:330.1(C)(2)(c) and (3)(a) were amended and re-enacted to place the territorial jurisdiction, board of commissioners, appointments, terms, compensation, vacancy, officers, meetings and domicile of both the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East and the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West under the auspices of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority effective June 5, 2013.