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The CPRA is responsible for the inspection functions of levee/flood protection projects and flood control systems throughout Louisiana and for the construction, operation and maintenance of coastal and watershed erosion projects throughout coastal Louisiana. Levee/flood protection systems, in particular, are subject to natural emergencies and technological disasters.
In Louisiana, flooding is a common emergency due to high volumes of rainfall and/or the frequent high tides generated by the Gulf of Mexico, as well as from storm surges from tropical events. Flooding and storm surges can affect the structural integrity of these systems, which are crucial to the protection of Louisiana’s citizens and their property.
The coastal and watershed erosion projects throughout Louisiana’s 20 coastal parishes provide a protective buffer from storm surges, which can cause severe flooding as well as damage to the levee/flood protection system, transportation infrastructure (roads, highways, bridges, airports, etc.), utility systems (energy, water and communication), and to homes, businesses and institutions (public and private) in the affected area(s).
CPRA shares a primary emergency response role with the Louisiana Department of Transportation (DOTD) for catastrophic flooding incidents throughout Louisiana, particularly those caused by tropical events. CPRA has an Emergency Support Function-3 (ESF-3) for such flooding incidents. The CPRA also interacts very closely throughout the hurricane season with the New Orleans District of the United States Corps of Engineers (USACE) and with the Levee Boards and Levee Districts and other local governmental entities.