NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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Since 2005, Louisiana has faced the devastating impacts of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, Ike, and Isaac and in 2011, record high water on the Mississippi River challenged flood protection systems statewide — resulting in one of the largest flood-fighting efforts in Louisiana’s history.

Further, our state continues to be at the forefront of the worst oil spill in our nation’s history — the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Over three years after the platform explosion and tragic deaths of 11 Americans, our state continues to experience re-oiling associated with this devastating oil spill.

The challenges we’ve faced in recent years highlight the importance of funding and implementing preventative measures for flood control and coastal restoration.

By doing so we reduce the overall costs to U.S. taxpayers, improve the resilience of our nation’s economy, protect the citizens of Louisiana, improve the health of our coastal ecosystem, and ensure Louisiana remains our nation’s best resource for fresh seafood.

Up to 20 percent of our nation’s maritime commerce, five of the busiest ports in the country, national energy prices, the top fishing area in the continental United States, and two million coastal residents are dependent upon our joint success.