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Coastal Louisiana faces one of the highest land loss rates in the world, which puts our homes, businesses, communities, and national energy and transportation infrastructure at risk. If this trend continues, the economic, social, and environmental impacts will be severe.
Our problem is complex, and it cannot be solved simply by building more levees alone. That’s why CPRA has responded to the crisis by developing a comprehensive Flood Risk and Resilience Program to support communities’ ability to reduce flood risk and adapt in the face of an uncertain future.
To protect communities from coastal flooding, we must take a “multiple lines of defense approach.” Thus, the 2017 Coastal Master Plan recommends a comprehensive nonstructural program as part of our strategy to reduce flood risk for Louisiana citizens. Nonstructural projects include raising a building’s elevation, floodproofing structures, and voluntary acquisition.
The Flood Risk and Resilience Program focuses on increasing flood risk awareness, implementing nonstructural projects, and supporting policies that promote greater resilience across the coast. These policy measures are particularly important to promote wise development in Louisiana’s coastal zone and to protect homes and businesses today and in the years ahead.
As part of the 2017 Coastal Master Plan, CPRA has worked to advance the Flood Risk and Resilience Program. The program refines the recommended nonstructural risk reduction projects to focus on areas of high coastal flood risk. In addition, CPRA has worked to develop a framework and nonstructural application process to create the institutional mechanism to distribute funding to parishes. Lastly, the program has furthered state and local planning and coordination by establishing consistent dialogue between CPRA, other state agencies, and parishes throughout the program development process.