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CPRA formed several working groups focused on the challenges and opportunities related to the development of the Flood Risk and Resilience Program and the implementation of nonstructural risk reduction projects. These multidisciplinary groups create platforms for collaboration through the:
CPRA Flood Risk and Resilience Subcommittee of CPRA Board – Working Across Agencies
The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority is guided by the CPRA Board, which oversees the development of the Coastal Master Plan and Annual Plan and represents the state’s positions relative to protection and restoration policies. To further cross-agency coordination and collaboration, the Flood Risk and Resilience Subcommittee consists of Board members who provide specific insight into future nonstructural measures and activities. The Subcommittee streamlines, coordinates, and further develops individual agency efforts to enhance decision making, focus resources on critical areas of need, and provide clear recommendations on policies and procedures for nonstructural project implementation.
CPRA Flood Risk and Resilience Subcommittee | |
Type | CPRA Board Members |
State Agencies |
Local Entities |
Flood Risk and Resilience Stakeholder Group- Coordinating recommendations
The goal of the Flood Risk and Resilience Stakeholder Group is to promote collaborative partnerships to support decisions that reduce the socio-economic, cultural, and environmental risks that communities face from coastal hazards. The group will assist in coordination of resilience activities, enhance decision making, and provide clear recommendations on policies and procedures for program implementation. Organizations and individuals involved in hazard mitigation, floodplain management, risk communication, resilience planning and research, and policy making have been invited to participate in this interdisciplinary network.
Parish Floodplain Managers Groups- Enlisting Local Experts
The Parish Floodplain Managers Group consists of parish floodplain managers and grant managers from the coastal parishes. This group was convened to discuss the Flood Risk and Resilience Program and obtain feedback on the program’s draft framework, nonstructural project areas, and lessons learned from past recovery grant experiences. Increased coordination with this group has been particularly instrumental in the development of the Flood Risk and Resilience Program.
Community Focus Group- Collaborating With Local Citizens
The Community Focus Group is charged with enhancing and expanding ongoing communications between the state and local coastal citizens. The focus group is intended to provide guidance to CPRA about the development and implementation of planning efforts, as well as to educate and inform other citizens about ongoing coastal protection and restoration activities. The goal of the Community Focus Group is not necessarily to achieve consensus on any one approach, but to clarify questions, discuss options, understand potential impacts, and provide suggestions for improving coastal planning and implementation efforts to meet the needs of local citizens.
Community Focus Group | |
Type | Organization |
Non-Governmental Organizations & Faith Groups |
Tribal Leaders |