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Projects and Benefits                                                               Planning with Uncertainty


Over the course of the plan development process, CPRA developed a series of webinars focused specifically on the technical updates and the predictive modeling effort. The level of detail for these webinars range from “introductory” to “general” to “technical” (noted in the webinar descriptions). Please find below a list of webinar topics currently available. As new information is developed and becomes available, additional topics will be added.

Click on a link below to jump to that topic’s webinar. For additional information on the below topics, please see the suggested links or reports on the Technical Appendices page.


Master Plan 101

Presenter: Stuart Brown, CPRA
Level of Detail: Introductory

The Master Plan 101 presentation is intended to serve as an introduction and a broad overview of both CPRA and the master plan development process. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.


Master Plan Public Hearing

Presenter: Stuart Brown, CPRA
Level of Detail: Introductory

This presentation was given during each official public hearing prior to the spoken comments from the audience for the public record. The 2023 Coastal Master Plan comment period ends March 25, 2023. For information on the various ways to provide an official comment, click here To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.


Predictive Modeling 101

Presenter: Elizabeth Jarrell, CPRA
Level of Detail: Introductory

The Predictive Modeling 101 presentation is intended to introduce the modeling tools used for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan and how they fit into the overall process of developing the master plan. This presentation provides a high level overview of the various predictive models and how they are used for project selection and analyzing landscape evolution and future risk. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

More detailed information on specific aspects of predictive modeling can be found in the videos posted below.



The Planning Tool

Presenter: David Groves, RAND Corporation
Level of Detail: General

This presentation describes how the Planning Tool is expected to work in the 2023 Coastal Master Plan process including: a general overview of how the Planning Tool is used for optimization (objective functions and constraints), project selection, and exploration (e.g., uncertainty). To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Planning Tool Overview


ICM-Habitat Suitability Indices

Presenter: David Lindquist, CPRA
Level of Detail: General

This presentation explains what Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs) are and discusses the HSIs that will be used for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, focusing primarily on how the HSI models were developed and how they were improved from their use in the 2017 plan. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Habitat Suitability Index Model Improvement Recommendations; Habitat Suitability Index Model Improvement Report


ICM-Morph and ICM-LAVegMod

Presenter: Madeline Foster-Martinez, University of New Orleans
Level of Detail: General

This presentation describes two subroutines of the Integrated Compartment Model (ICM): ICM-Morph and ICM-LAVegMod. ICM-LAVegMod helps us understand how vegetation might change in the future (e.g., where different species will be, how transitions will occur), and ICM-Morph helps us understand elevation changes and how sediment moves through the system to identify which areas might be land or water. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: ICM-Wetlands, Vegetation, & Soils Model Improvement Report

Risk Assessment: Risk Model Improvements

Presenter: Jordan Fischbach, RAND Corporation & David R. Johnson, Purdue University
Level of Detail: General

This presentation describes the improvements that have been made to the Coastal Louisiana Risk Assessment (CLARA) model to support the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, including: updates to the model’s spatial domain, improvements to the asset and structure inventory, updating how risk statistics are calculated using JPM-OS methodology, system fragility, and methods for looking at future population and asset growth. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Louisiana Population Projections Presentation; Population Projections for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan Report; Risk Assessment Model Improvements Report; Coastal Louisiana Risk Assessment (CLARA) Model Summary Report


Barrier Island Model Improvements

Presenter: Ioannis Georgiou, The Water Institute
Level of Detail: General

This presentation describes development and testing of improvements to the Barrier Island subroutine, including mechanisms to capture cross-shore retreat, including sea level rise modulation and calibration; auto-restoration; and basin tidal prism and inlets partitioning. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials:  ICM-Barrier Island Model Improvements Report; BITI Module & ICM-Barrier Islands Update Report

Storm Surge and Waves Model Update

Presenter: Zach Cobell, The Water Institute
Level of Detail: General

The Storm Surge and Wave Model Update presentation describes improvements to model inputs, including topography and bathymetry, land use classes, and levee assumptions and surveys, and also describes the model re-validation and storm suite simulations processes. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Storm Surge & Waves Models Report

Louisiana Population Projections

Presenter: Mathew E. Hauer, Florida State University
Level of Detail: Technical

As part of the 2023 Coastal Master Plan model improvements, CPRA has updated the treatment of population dynamics. These projections will be an input for Risk Assessment modeling and may have important implications for understanding the challenges of a Future Without Action and the benefits of implementing projects selected for the 2023 plan. This video covers topics such as: population projections and cohort-change ratios, and error evaluations for Louisiana. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Population Projections for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan Report; Risk Assessment Model Improvements Presentation 

ICM-Landscape Model: Final Improvements & Scenario Setting, Part 1

Presenter: Eric White, CPRA
Level of Detail: Technical

This presentation discusses some of the final model improvements for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan. The topics covered include: how the vegetation model handles the spatial distribution of vegetation cover, how the spatial coverage interacts with vegetation, and the wetland morphological subroutines of the ICM. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: ICM-Morph and ICM-LAVegMod Presentation 

ICM-Landscape Model: Final Improvements & Scenario Setting, Part 2

Presenter: Eric White, CPRA
Level of Detail: Technical

This presentation discusses the boundary conditions used for Integrated Compartment Model (ICM) simulations, including the landscape data used to define existing conditions, adjustments to the existing conditions landscape for future simulations, and other environmental boundary conditions and forcing data. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Storm Selection: ICM & Risk Models Presentation

Storm Selection: ICM & Risk Models

Presenter: David R. Johnson, Purdue University
Level of Detail: Technical

This presentation explains the storm selection procedures for both the Integrated Compartment Model (ICM) and the risk models used for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan. Topics covered include the new synthetic storms that are available, updates to the JPM-OS (joint probability method with optimal sampling), the process of identifying storm sequences for the ICM, and identification of a reduced storm set for risk modeling. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

Connections to other materials: Storm Selection for the ICM Report

Technical Modeling Update Webinar#1

Presenter: Eric White, CPRA
Level of Detail: Technical

The first webinar was held on June 16, 2020 to provide a more in-depth and technical discussion of the overall modeling process and to lay a technical foundation for future 2023 Coastal Master Plan modeling discussions. To download the corresponding presentation slides, click here.

As the webinar is 3 hours, please find below the list of presented topics with the corresponding times that mark when each topic’s presentation begins. Please note that each presentation topic is followed by Q&A.

Introduction – starts 00:00:41
Integrated Compartment Model (ICM) – starts 00:09:24

  • ICM Hydro – starts 00:16:08
  • ICM-Wetland Processes and Vegetation – starts 00:51:28
  • ICM-Barrier Island Model – starts 01:21:40
  • ICM-Habitat Suitability Indices (HSIs) – starts 01:26:25
  • ICM-Boundary Conditions, Landscape Data, & Model Calibration and Validation – starts 01:30:58

Storm Surge and Waves Modeling – starts 01:41:51
Risk Assessment – starts 02:18:35
Next Steps – starts 03:00:54