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A critical element of the 2017 Coastal Master Plan was the voluntary input and feedback provided by various advisory groups. For the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, CPRA has once again established advisory groups to support the planning process: a Coastal Advisory Team (CAT), five Regional Workgroups (RW), a Community Engagement Workgroup (CEW), and a Predictive Models Technical Advisory Committee (PM-TAC). Please see below for a brief description of each group, including links to the membership lists.


The intent of the CAT is to provide input and feedback on the 2023 Coastal Master Plan process and components. The CAT includes invited representatives who have a coastwide, big picture perspective of coastal challenges and opportunities from federal, state, and local government; NGO’s; business and industry; and academia. The goal of the CAT is to discuss options, solicit ideas, gain input to the planning process, and provide recommendations to CPRA. Click here for the CAT membership list.


In addition to the CAT, CPRA has convened RWs to obtain regionally-informed perspectives from a variety of stakeholders and interests within five coastal regions: Chenier Plain, Central Coast, Terrebonne Basin, Barataria Basin, and Pontchartrain/Breton Basin. The invited RW members work collaboratively to identify, discuss, and reach a common understanding about issues, priorities, and possible solutions for each coastal region and provide recommendations to CPRA. Click here for a list of the RW members.


For the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, CPRA convened the CEW to support the development of relevant communication strategies and provide input on outreach and engagement efforts. The CEW works with CPRA to review and discuss options for displaying and communicating master plan data, provide feedback on the planning process for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan, and serve as partners for broadening the scope of master plan outreach efforts. The CEW are invited members who represent housing, tribal, health, and social justice community interests from across coastal Louisiana and provide recommendations to CPRA. Click here for the CEW membership list.


The 2023 PM-TAC was convened in 2019 to provide working-level guidance and recommendations to a team of scientists, engineers, and planners to improve the modeling tools used for the 2023 Coastal Master Plan analysis. In contrast to traditional peer review, which engages toward the end of efforts such as once draft reporting is available, the PM-TAC provides ongoing ‘over the shoulder’ engagement with the modeling teams to provide advice and guidance throughout the model improvement process. Click here for the PM-TAC membership list.