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Nonstructural Risk Reduction Projects in the 2017 Coastal Master Plan

Several nonstructural risk reduction project types were evaluated for use on residential buildings including single family, multi-family, and manufactured homes, and non-residential buildings including commercial, industrial, and institutional structures.

MP17_Nonstructural and Flood Depths_revised_for web-01

  • Floodproofing of non-residential structures is recommended in areas with projected 100-year flood depths of 3 feet or less so they can be resistant to flood damage.
  • Elevation of residential structures is recommended in areas with a projected 100-year flood depth of between 3 and 14 feet so that their lowest floors are higher than projected flood depths.
  • Voluntary Acquisition of residential structures is recommended in areas where projected 100-year flood depths make elevation or floodproofing infeasible and where residential structures would need to be elevated higher than 14 feet.

CPRA’s Flood Risk and Resilience Program is envisioned as a state-led, coast wide, nonstructural flood mitigation program for coastal Louisiana parishes. Through the master plan, CPRA developed a risk reduction strategy that coordinates state resources and prioritizes areas of high risk, with parishes playing a lead role in implementing projects and selecting specific structures to be mitigated while prioritizing those that are low to moderate income.  The program is intended to take advantage of nonstructural risk reduction project funding outside of federal grant programs in order to maximize flexibility and speed the implementation of projects that further comprehensive coastal risk reduction goals. The 2017 Coastal Master Plan recommends 32 nonstructural projects that include the mitigation of over 26,000 structures at a cost of $6 billion over the next 50 years. It should be noted that these recommendations are general and do not address any specific structures. Feedback from the Community Focus Group, Parish Floodplain Managers Group, Flood Risk and Resilience Stakeholder Group, and other coastal citizens was essential in developing this effort. For more information on the nonstructural risk reduction project recommendations, please see Attachment E3: Nonstructural Model Results.

Final 2017 Coastal Master Plan Nonstructural Risk Reduction Projects
