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How can we work together to further reduce flood risk?

Terrebonne 2030

Map adapted from Terrebonne Parish Comprehensive Master Plan Update: Vision 2030.


The Flood Risk and Resilience Program emphasizes planning for and implementation of nonstructural risk reduction projects included in the 2017 Coastal Master Plan. However, focusing solely on flood mitigation of individual structures is not sufficient to meet the challenges of increasing coastal flood risk and coastal climate adaptation. In addition to reducing flood risk through physical (structural or nonstructural) projects, there are a wide range of policies and programmatic measures that can be adopted to reduce communities’ flood risk and enhance their resilience.

CPRA’s Flood Risk and Resilience Program policy recommendations aim to further the progress, increase the support, and enhance the ongoing resiliency efforts made by the State Legislature, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)/Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs), state agencies, coastal parishes, and academic/nonprofit groups. The intent of these policy recommendations is to promote higher standards of risk reduction that can advance the collective ability of communities to become more resilient through methods beyond the mitigation of individual structures.

The recommendations are categorized into five sections and include:

  1. Planning: Comprehensive, Multi-Jurisdictional, Land Use, and Recovery Plans
  2. Hazard Mitigation Plans
  3. Regulatory Tools: Local Ordinances, National Flood Insurance Program, and Coastal Zone Management Program
  4. Infrastructure and Building Standards
  5. Capital Improvement Plans and Incentives

Within each topic, various recommendations are addressed to groups that may be best able to enact change, including the Louisiana Legislature, other state agencies, parish/municipal governments, and academic/nonprofit organizations. The aim is to provide a robust source of information on the range of pertinent policies and opportunities for action, to highlight recommendations that most urgently need to be addressed, and to generate new ideas about actionable steps to promote a more resilient coastal Louisiana.


For more information about the 2017 Coastal Master Plan, please visit:
For more infromation about CPRA’s Flood Risk and Resilience Program, please visit:

Here, click on the “Documents and Resources” tab to download documents related to the Flood Risk and Resilience program and recommended nonstructural projects:

  • Appendix E – Flood Risk and Resilience Program Framework
  • Attachment E1 – Flood Risk and Resilience Program Policy Recommendations
  • Attachment E2 – Parish Profiles
  • Attachment E3 – Nonstructural Model Results
  • Attachment E4 – Parish Applicant’s Handbook
  • Nonstructural Frequently Asked