NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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I know my coastal flood risk, what else can I do?


As part of the 2017 Coastal Master Plan, CPRA included additional resources to help local parishes and communities better reduce flood risk and make communities more resilient. These resources include a wide range of links to other federal and local agencies also working to reduce flood risk that are geared towards homeowners, business owners, parish planners, hazard mitigation planners, and more. Topic areas range from:

  • Local Planning Resources- highlights local planning efforts and Louisiana Regional Planning Commissions
  • Regional and National Planning Resources- showcases best practices from other communities across the country and the American Planning Association
  • City and Parish Plans- lists 26 comprehensive or other local plans from parishes or municipalities in the coastal area
  • Hazard Mitigation Plans- provides great resources for improving local hazard mitigation planning and integrating mitigation planning into the community planning process
  • Policy and Legal Tools- compiles local and national resources on the policies, ordinances, codes, and other legal tools to improve communities’ resilience
  • Resilient Economy- recognizes the importance of creating a resilient economy for a resilient coast
  • Flood Insurance- provides links to FEMA and the LSU Ag Center to learn more about flood insurance maps and rates
  • Building Your Project- compiles various resources on flood-resistant construction standards, different mitigation options, and other resources to help resolve title challenges
  • Homeowner’s Guide to Elevation lists federal and local resources on home elevation
  • Prepare Your Business offers resources from federal and local Louisiana agencies to help property owners reduce their risk from flooding and storms

CPRA’s Flood Risk and Resilience Program is envisioned as a state-led, nonstructural flood mitigation program for coastal Louisiana parishes. The Flood Risk and Resilience Program is designed to fill existing gaps, offer greater flexibility to parish grant administrators, streamline programmatic requirements, encourage wider participation from vulnerable communities, and focus on areas of critical need and greatest storm surge flood risk. The program is also designed to adaptively respond to local needs by enabling parishes to further develop and refine recommended nonstructural projects. Lastly, the program offers technical and programmatic assistance to improve nonstructural project planning and implementation and begin to fill gaps in local capacity.


For more information about the 2017 Coastal Master Plan, please visit:

For more infromation about CPRA’s Flood Risk and Resilience Program, please visit: