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Legislative Report under HCR 46 for Amite River Basin

HCR 46 ARB Study Report

ARB Study Cover Letter

Table of Contents – Appendices 

1. House Continuing Resolution 46 (2021 Reg. Session)

2. ARBC questionnaire

3. Stakeholder questionnaire

4. ARBC response and production in response to questionnaire (combined)

5. Report of the Secretary of War, January 25, 1868.

6. Letter from the Secretary of War, December 6, 1924, House of Representatives Document No. 473, 68th Congress, 2nd Session.

7. Supplemental assurance between USACE and Ascension Parish Police Jury (May 7, 1963)(supplement to Act of Assurance between USACE and Ascension Parish Police Jury, September 25, 1956).

8. Gulf South Research Development Corp. for USACE, April 1983 Floods – Amite River Basin, Final Report (Dec. 1983)

9. Louisiana Attorney General Opinion No. 94-41 (1994)

10. USACE and DOTD, Amite River & Tributaries, Darlington Reservoir Re-evaluation Study, Vol. 1 (September 1997)

11. CPRA and DOTD, Senate Concurrent Resolution 39 Response: Phase I Study – Exploring the Reorganization of Levee Districts and Other State-Created Entities with Flood Control Responsibilities (2014)

12. GEC, Inc. for ARBC, Amite River Basin Floodplain Management Plan (2015)

13. Dek Terrell, Ph.D. for Louisiana Economic Development, The Economic Impact of the August 2016 Floods on the State of Louisiana (2016)

14. ARBC, Proposed Basin Wide Floodplain Planning and Management Process (2017)

15. Bob Jacobsen, PE for ARBC, August 2016 Flood Preliminary Report – Amite River Basin (2017)

16. Kara M. Watson, et al., U.S. Geological Survey, Characterization of Peak Streamflows and Flood Inundation of Selected Areas in Louisiana from the August 2016 Flood (2017)

17. PLD, Progress Report (2017).

18. Louisiana Legislative Auditor, Comite River Diversion Canal Project: Status and Reasons for Delays (January 18, 2017)

19. Congressional Research Service, Flood Resilience and Risk Reduction: Federal Assistance and Programs (2018)

20. CPRA, DOTD, OCD, DWF, and GOHSEP, Phase 1 Investigation: Louisiana Statewide Comprehensive Watershed Based Floodplain Management Program Development (2018)

21. DOTD, Senate Resolution 172 Response (2019)

22. GOHSEP, Louisiana State Hazard Mitigation Plan (2019)

23. Council on Watershed Management, Meeting Minutes, 8/19/19 meeting

24. USACE, Amite River & Tributaries, East of the Mississippi River, Louisiana, Draft Integrated Feasibility Study with Environmental Impact Study (November 2019)

25. OCD, Master Action Plan for the Utilization of Community Development Block Grant Mitigation Funds (approved 2020)

26. DOTD, Louisiana Statewide Flood Control Program, Guidelines and Procedures (Oct. 2020 rev)

27. LWI, Regional Watershed Management in Louisiana: A Guidebook to Local and Regional Entities, Their Authorities and Functions (2021)

28. LWI Region 7, Governance Recommendation (approved 6/29/21)

29. ARBC Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2021

30. LWI Project Applications in the Amite River Basin

31. FEMA FMA Projects in the Amite River Basin