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Orleans Landbridge<<Back to Types of Projects


The Orleans Landbridge is the stretch of land and marsh separating Lake Pontchartrain from Lake Borgne in Orleans Parish. The project is along 8.7 miles of the northwestern shoreline of Lake Borgne stretching from Bayou Bienvenue on the western edge to Alligator Point in the east.

Orleans Landbridge Location

Issue Addressed

The eventual destruction of the landbridge due to subsidence, high wave energy, and the resulting shoreline retreat (averaging 7.7 feet per year) could result in Lake Pontchartrain—and thus New Orleans and Northshore communitites—being subjected to increased storm surge damage.

Project Goals

The project uses 217,000 tons of concrete recycled from the dismantled 1-10 twin span bridges. Shoreline stabilization will prevent the loss of 110 acres of marsh and minimize shoreline retreat. The project also protects the nation’s largest urban wildlife refuge, the 23,000-acre Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge.

Project Details

Project Type:

Shoreline Protection

Project Information:

Project number: PO-36