NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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The Biloxi Marsh project is located along a 7-mile stretch of the southeastern shoreline of Lake Borgne and the Biloxi Wildlife Management Area in St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana.

Issue Addressed

Marshes surrounding Lake Borgne have sustained significant land loss due to wave induced erosion, with approximately 15,640 acres lost between 1932 and 1990 along the 7-mile project reach. In recent years, some areas of the shoreline have receded up to 50 feet per year, greatly endangering the nearly 40,000-acre Biloxi Wildlife Management Area.

Project Goals

Minimizing shoreline retreat will help to protect a portion of the marshes in the Biloxi Wildlife Management Area, thus helping to save an ecosystem that also serves as a protective barrier for the City of New Orleans and surrounding area against surge and waves during tropical events.

Project Details

Project Type:

Shoreline Protection

Project Information:

Project number: PO-72

Estimated Total Cost: $$22 million

Land Benefited: 110 acres