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Bayou Dupont Marsh and Ridge Creation Project<<Back to Types of Projects


This project is located southeast of the southeast corner of The Pen, south of Bayou Dupont.

Issue Addressed

There is widespread historic and continued rapid land loss in the project area due to altered hydrology, wind erosion, and subsidence. Wetlands in the project vicinity are being lost at a rate of 1.72% per year based on USGS data from 1988 to 2006.

Project Goals

This project uses sand from the Mississippi River to create marsh and help re-establish Barataria Landbridge. It also creates approximately 2.1 miles of ridge along Bayou Dupont.

Project Status

Project plans and specifications are complete. It is currently being prepared to advertise for bid.

Project Details

Project Type:

Marsh Creation

Project Information:

Project number: BA-48

Estimated Total Cost: $$38.3 million

Land Benefited: 317 acres