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La. Coastal Master Plan open for comment

January 31, 2017, Claire Taylor -- Louisiana's proposed Coastal Master Plan containing $50 billion in coastal protection and wetlands restoration projects is open for public comment until March 26.

Master Plan Data Viewer updates allows for flood insight

January 30, 2017 -- The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority is releasing an update to the Master Plan Data Viewer, an online tool that lets residents learn more about their current and future flood risk. The viewer was created in response to…

State coastal agency says midyear budget cuts could delay restoration projects

January 26, 2017, Bob Marshall -- How could a potential $3.8 million budget cut to the state Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority end up costing $8 million?

State Progress On Federal Regulation Streamlining Crucial To Coastal Restoration Success

January 26, 2017, Bob Marshall -- An announcement recently by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards is being hailed by the America's WETLAND Foundation (AWF) as essential to coastal restoration. Word that the White House Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council rendered approval to…

Updated $50 billion plan for Louisiana’s coast unveiled, to mostly favorable reviews

January 23, 2017, Faimon Roberts, III -- Louisiana’s coastal authority began rolling out its new 50-year master plan Tuesday, drawing plaudits for the plan's readability and science but catching flak for endorsing projects that some worry will harm fishermen or coastal communities.

Opinion: Decision time for Louisiana’s coast

January 23, 2017, Keith Magill -- If you don't believe the dire predictions in today's front-page story on the state's latest plan to address coastal land loss, attend Tuesday's public hearing in Houma and find out for yourself.

Interactive map shows flooding risk as Gulf rises and southern Louisiana continues to sink

January 18, 2017

The state has created an interactive, online map providing a realistic look at the future, which probably will be more shocking to residents than the words in the new Coastal Master Plan it is based on.

Local congressman gets drone demonstration

January 17, 2017

Nicholls State's use of drones to study barrier islands in Terrebonne Parish was the focus of a local congressman's visit to the university's farm.

New Poll Shows Majority of Louisianians View Coastal Land Loss as a “Crisis”

January 11, 2017

Majority say coastal wetlands are important to them personally, support the state’s Coastal Master Plan (NEW ORLEANS – Jan. 11, 2017) Statewide, 93 percent of Louisiana voters say that protecting Louisiana’s coastal wetlands needs attention with 56 percent calling this…

Our Views: Without unity and resolve on coastal restoration, Louisiana will — literally — be sunk

January 8, 2017

Although most members of Louisiana’s newly constituted congressional delegation campaigned against big government when running for office, there’s at least one crisis facing the state that’s going to need massive help from Washington, D.C. to resolve.