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CPRA Announces 2024 Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund Award Recipients

January 29, 2024

BATON ROUGE, La. – The LouisianaCoastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) today announced recipients of its 2024 Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund awards. The Partnership Fund is an annual funding opportunity that delivers on-the-ground restoration while also increasing collaboration with non-governmental/non-profit organizations, parish governments, and private entities.

“The work necessary to protect and restore Louisiana’s coast cannot be achieved by CPRA alone. The partnerships we have with coastal parish governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and organizations committed to the same goals as our agency are invaluable to our efforts,” said CPRA Board Chairman Bren Haase. “The Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund awards allow us to foster these partnerships to advance our mission of coastal protection and restoration by implementing and expediting vital projects along our coast.”

This year the Conservation and Restoration Partnership Fund offered a total of $1,000,000 for matching funds for projects addressing coastal conservation and restoration needs. The following organizations have been awarded Partnership Fund grants in 2024 for the projects listed below:

  • Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana – Conduct vegetative plantings on constructed terraces in Terrebonne Parish to stabilize them and increase their resilience to storm surge energy.
  • Ducks Unlimited  Create over 10,000 linear feet of additional terraces in Lafourche and St. Bernard Parishes that will reduce erosion, promote fish and wildlife, and provide community resiliency benefits.
  • Pontchartrain Conservancy – Create 12 acres of diverse habitat in Orleans Parish through vegetative plantings to support flood protection and provide critical wildlife habitat.
  • Restore or Retreat – Plant over three miles of vegetation to fortify levees in Lafourche Parish and stabilize a restored shoreline in Jefferson Parish.
  • The Nature Conservancy – Construct approximately 1.5 miles of oyster reefs in Cameron Parish to improve habitat and reduce flood risk to adjacent communities and infrastructure.
  • Tulane University (In Partnership with ReCoast, Common Ground, CRCL, and CSED) – Reinforce a deteriorating canal in Lafourche Parish using recycled glass and vegetative plantings.  

Projects are evaluated and prioritized based on their consistency with the objectives of the 2023 State Master Plan, acreage conserved/restored, synergy with other conservation/restoration efforts, project constructability, and the matching funds available.

Since the program’s inception in 2008, CPRA has partnered with more than 17 organizations and awarded over $13 million. Additionally, partners have leveraged the state contributions with over $23 million in matching dollars. This funding supports the implementation of high priority projects and advances coastal restoration goals at the local, regional, and statewide level.
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