NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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Council-Selected Restoration Component Developments

The Council approved its Initial Comprehensive Plan in August 2013. The plan did not include a priority list of projects to be funded (the “Funded Priorities List”) or a detailed description of how funds will be spent. Therefore in August 2014, the Council released its guidelines for submitting projects, and announced a submission window closing on November 17, 2014, for Council members to submit project and program proposals for funding under the Council-Selected Restoration Component. The Council reviewed each proposal for its consistency with the Act and the Council’s Comprehensive Plan, as well as the use of best available science and adherence to applicable environmental compliance requirements. After completing these reviews, on August 13, 2015, the Council released its draft Initial Funded Priorities List for public review and comment. The public has until September 28, 2015 to submit any comments on the funded priorities list to the RESTORE Council.