NOTICE: Bourbon Street Attack Victim Resources

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Mississippi River Long Distance Sediment Pipeline<<Back to Types of Projects


The marsh creation project is south of The Pen. The corridor will be constructed from the back levee to the Barataria Waterway.

Project Goals

Once completed, this project will: provide the means to re-establish a contiguous reach of emergent wetlands along the Barataria Landbridge; use sustainable sediment sources to restore and nourish wetlands in an area where sediments are limited; and provide an access corridor that can enhance cost savings of future projects that need long-distance sediment conveyance technology.

Project Status

To date, the project plans and specifications have been completed. This project is headed to construction.

Project Details

Project Type:

Marsh Creation

Project Information:

Project number: BA-43 (EB)

Estimated Total Cost: $$66.1 million

Land Benefited: 371 acres