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CPRA’s RESTORE Parish Matching Amendment

April 18, 2018

This RESTORE Parish Matching Amendment to the State’s First Amended RESTORE Plan, which was approved by the RESTORE Council in June 2018, was published and made available for public review and comment for a minimum of forty five (45) days, from February 21, 2018 – April 9, 2018, in a manner calculated to obtain broad‐based participation from individuals, businesses, Indian tribes, and non‐profit organizations in accordance with 31 C.F.R. 34.503(b)(4) and 34.503(g), and was adopted after consideration of all meaningful input from the public. Information summarizing the public input received during the public comment period is available in Appendix D-7.

As additional projects and programs, such as projects proposed under the CPRA-Parish Matching Opportunities Program, are proposed under the State’s First Amended RESTORE Plan, or as allocations among projects and programs may be updated over time, the Plan will be amended. Amendments to the Plan will undergo the same procedure for public comment as outlined above.